Attention! Attitude! Action!

This week we focused on measurement of social web activity.  I knew the basics, however, I didn’t realize how involved measuring your social media program can get and just how important the results.  Measurement focuses on assigning values and hard numbers to any point of interest relating to your social media program.  You have to be precise and measure what matters.

The concepts of ‘action, attitude and attention’ as measures of social web activity are a great way to sum up the measurement process.  I will break down each of the concepts and follow them up with examples using the local business Coffee Matters.



How much attention or interest does your social media program get?  How many likes, followers?  Always know the number that you started from at the beginning of any campaign.


Does your social media get any comments, whether positive or negative?  Are people giving you stars/ratings?  Are your posts getting any likes? Do you have conversations developing?  What about not getting any likes?  Not getting any likes tells just as much or more than getting those likes.  Is your content being effective or ignored?  What exactly is the ‘attitude’ of your content?


When you use social media, you use it based on your businesses goals and objectives with the end result of ‘action’ – successful action.  By engaging people/customers, your conversations and interactions will, if successful, result in positive outcomes in the form of revenue/sales.  Is your social media making a difference?  Why or why not?  This is very important in obtaining your businesses goals and objectives.

Here, we see this weeks activity for Coffee Matters:

191 People Talking About This

1,750 Total Page Likes

0.9% up from last week
16 New Page Likes

11.1% down This week

So our attention is the number of people talking about them and the total page likes.  Our attitude is what the content is saying and how it is perceived, while our action is the fact that they are up 0.9% in total likes from last week, but 11.1% down in new likes from last week.  Why?  Maybe because last week, they raised money for a local charity and had additional media involved.  Coffee Matters on social media obviously got positive attention, with positive attitudes that people liked and liked to share, ending in the result/action of many people in their store and buying their goods.

Our generous owner shaking hands with Ayon from Choices for Youth. Announcing our stores raised $500 that we will match and a $1000 corporate donation on top of that! A total of $2000 donated to Choices for Youth from ‪#‎CBCGoodKarma‬ week. That’s a lot of Good Karma!

Coffee Matters's photo.
Coffee Matters's photo.
The ultimate value of measurement in social media is finding out what is or isn’t working in your campaign and why or why is it not?  To be successful, you will achieve a positive ROI (return on investment) and that is ultimately what your business is seeking.  Attention is the start, but you have to involve your customers (attitude) for a positive outcome (action).
Bye for now

6 thoughts on “Attention! Attitude! Action!

  1. Hey Lisa!

    Thanks for the follow. Great post as well! You really break these three concepts down well with the use of questions, which helps frame up how to tackle these measures. As practitioners, asking questions is important, especially of ourselves and our planning efforts. I especially liked your example, as it linked the concepts up with tangible examples and was something that brought the measures closer to home. Really made for an interesting read, and a more comprehensive understanding of the concepts. Also, the visuals are appreicated – I was thinking I need to incorporate more in my own blog!

    Thanks for posting, and for the inspiration!


  2. I really liked your example because it shows how the context is all in the numbers. If you just saw that Coffee Matters was down 11 percent in likes for the week you would not be getting the whole picture. The previous week they raised their total likes by almost one percent which is a lot for one week. So to go down by 11 percent from the previous large week is not bad at all. Coffee Matters has gained a solid amount of likes and most likely quite a bit more customers.


  3. Great post! First things first, your layout made things very easy to read, understand, and comprehend, which I appreciate. It was also great to read a campaign that you were personally involved in and obviously passionate about, it looks like you have a great workplace full of amazing people! Including real numbers was a great touch as well. For myself personally, when writing a blog post on any of the subjects covered in our class, I like to pretend that I am explaining these concepts to someone who has zero knowledge on the subject, in order to present my points simply and, hopefully, effectively. You have done an amazing job doing just that here, and I look forward to reading more posts in the future! And great job raising that money for an awesome cause!


  4. Great example. It’s always refreshing to see social media helping small businesses who in turn help their real life communities. It’s one thing to nurture and interact with an online community, but it takes a completely different set of tactics to do the same with the local community that supports (or opposes) a business or organization. It’s nice to see that social networks can bridge the gap.


  5. I really like how you define attention, attitude and action – it simplified what they are and give real examples so they can be understood and considered when measuring. Also – great example from Coffee Matters.


  6. I second Jill’s comment . . . and also applaud this comment: “Measurement focuses on assigning values and hard numbers to any point of interest relating to your social media program. You have to be precise and measure what matters.”


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